The following scripts are provided "as is", i.e. without any warranty licensed by terms given by the General Public License II as published by the Free Software Foundation. Is a script that creates by the tool "convert" from ImageMagick thumbnail images and a containing HTML index page. Running the script with any of the options [-?|-h|-help] will provide a small summary of options and their meaning like this: (peter@backson) /usr/local/scripts $ ./fotolist2html -h Usage: fotolist2html [] file1 [file2 [file3 ...]] available options: -file Filename of HTML Document -title Title of HTML Document -cols Number of columns of HTML table -width Width (or height) of pictures -names Create .txt files out of memberlist -dos Use ********.*** names for icons -dontask Don't ask for text. Use existing *.txt files only -dummytext Use instead of filename -nocopyright Donīt include a copyright notice irlptd is a scripts which forks itself into the background (if your shell features the "disown" builtin) and then listens on /dev/irlpt for data. Each burst of data is written to a single file which is written to /var/spool/irlptd. If the filetye is recognized by "file" as Postscript or ASCII the suffix .ps or .txt respectivly will be appended. The purpose of this script is to react on IR Printing requests for your linux-computer acting as IR printer. This is not applicable if you want to print to an IR printer from your computer! For more information on how to set up your computer as an IR printing device, please consult the Linux IR-Howto. All scripts (c) Peter J. Weyers