Git Cheat Sheet
Edit your personal data for commits (i.e. name + e-mail address):
EDITOR=<your favourite> git config --global -e
- Editor content
# This is Git's per-user configuration file. [user] name = <Enter your full real name here> email = <Enter your E-Mail here>
Preview1) git pull origin master
git fetch origin master ; git diff -R --stat origin/master
Preview3) git pull origin master
4), provide full patch forced agains current state in worktree:
git fetch origin master ; git diff -R --diff origin/master -- .
Show committs across branches:
git log --all --stat
Show all commits with some ascii art drawings showing branches and the like:
git log --all --stat --graph
Same, but only for branches, tags and remotes, excluding stash and others:
git log --branches --tags --remotes --stat --graph
Further reading:
Format list of branches to your liking:
git branch --list --format '%(HEAD) %(refname:short)'
will (up to colours) produce the same format as default
Further reading: man git-for-each-ref
Reading branch descriptions seems not to be implemented. Branch description seem to be config item and can be read out by
git config --get "branch.<branch name>.description"
Workaround: (local copy)
Branch description can bee created or changed (and thus been seen also) by:
git branch --edit-description <branch name>
Find commits which are in one branch, but not in main:
git log <my branch> ^main
Delete remote branches:
git push [--dry-run] <remote> --delete <old branch>
Reset file to any version from <commitish>:
git checkout <commitish> -- <file>
Show full contents of file <file> from commit, branch or tag <commitish>:
git show <commitish>:<file>
Credits: Using Git Show to View Contents of Files