Using pipes
I am not sure, wether this is a OS X, BSD or even more general finding. The problem occurs if you follow the samples in the manpage to create zips with pipes
tar -cf - . | zip backup -
and extract them accoringly:
unzip backup - | tar -xf -
This will not work. The reason is - as stated in the man page as well - that zip switches to Zip64 mode which is suited for large files as on a pipe the file size is not known in advance. And obviously unzip can't handle that format. There are two solutions to this:
- Pack with
tar -cv - * .* | zip -fz- -
- Unpack with
:funzip | tar -xf -
According to the man page, gunzip
should work too, but neither the builtin gunzip
from OS X 10.6.x nor the gunzip
from MacPorts recognized the format.
docs/tips_n_tricks/max_os_x/zip.html.txt · Last modified: 30.06.2021 00:22 CEST by peter