Table of Contents
Packages missing after a fresh installation
… is a matter of taste, but this is (part of) my list:
# For general use: apt-get install aptitude zsh less strace psmisc rcs screen \ rsync sshfs ntpdate host exim4-daemon-light \ sudo file bc mlocate man cvs patch [uemacs|nano] # For some diagnostics apt-get install pciutils iftop tcpdump lshw # For systems running on the "bare metal" apt-get install smartmontools ethtool # For server maintenance apt-get install munin-node munin-plugins-extra sysstat # For development use apt-get install dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts liburi-perl \ fakeroot build-essential autoconf bison \ autotools-dev sharutils
At least for uemacs you need to access the /usr/local
repositories. Get it by
wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/usr-local-debian.list -c
- /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/myconf
// APT::Cache-Limit "50331648"; APT::Default-Release "bookworm"; Aptitude::UI::Package-Status-Format "%C : %A : %D : %v : %t"; Aptitude::UI::Package-Display-Format "%c%a %M %10v =%i=> %S %10V (%D) %p"; Aptitude::UI::Package-Header-Format "%m: %d# #"; Aptitude::UI::Keybindings::ReSearch "n"; // Aptitude::UI::Keybindings::Undo "C-z,C-u,C-_"; Aptitude::UI::Keybindings::DescriptionDown "y,z"; // Aptitude::UI::Keybindings::Quit "backspace,q";
Apt Pinning by Repository (/etc/apt/preferences)
Tested with Debian 10 Buster
- /etc/apt/preferences.d/99ul-pin-priorities
# /usr/local Pin Priorities # Need to be in sync with /etc/apt/sources.list ! # Check with apt-cache policy Package: * Pin: origin Pin-Priority: 500 Package: * Pin: origin Pin-Priority: 500 # Package: * # Pin: origin # Pin-Priority: 1 Package: * Pin: origin * Pin-Priority: 1
Manage Repositories GPG Keys
Change timezone
To change the timezone of a running systems, issue
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
depending on your version of Debian.
For unattended installations, the following may work:
debconf-set-selections tzdata.debconf
- tzdata.debconf
tzdata tzdata/Areas select Europe # tzdata tzdata/Areas seen false tzdata tzdata/Zones/Europe select Berlin # tzdata tzdata/Zones/Europe seen false
NFS Workaround
For some versions of Debian, you need to add sec=sys
in /etc/exports
if you want to use no_root_squash
Reference: Re: NFS and no_root_squash - cannot write as root - permission denied (SOLVED)
Change locale
update-locale LANG=C LC_CTYPE=de_DE LANGUAGE
Building Packages
sudo apt-get install devscripts apt-get source <package> # If you start here: dpkg-source -x <package>.dsc cd <packagedir> # generating new changelog entry with local version suffix for distribution lenny: export DEBEMAIL="${}" export DEBFULLNAME="${DEBFULLNAME:-Peter Foobar}" dch -l .ul~ulyana -D ulyana dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot --no-sign
Make Monday the first day of week in US locales
This works e.g. for the Clock xfce4-panal applet.
Do as root:
mkdir -vp /usr/local/share/i18n/locales/ sed -e 's/^week.*$/&\nfirst_weekday\t2/g' /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_US > /usr/local/share/i18n/locales/en_US locale-gen
Yeah - it's as easy as that. The tricky part is to what to do
less /usr/sbin/locale-gen
Also quite interesting while not directly related to my solution:
- 0xC0000022L's answer to "Change a locale definition (as opposed to a locale setting)" on Stackexchange.
Disabling systemd-resolved
This was actually tried with success on a Linux Mint 20 Ulyana, but I assume it works pretty much the same on Debian and all its derivatives
The most easy way would be to uninstall systemd-resolved, but as it is bundled with systemd which unfortunately is a crucial part of Debian meanwhile, this ist not possible.
apt install resolveconf systemctl disable systemd-resolved vi /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dns-resolved.conf
We need to override /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dns-resolved.conf
, therefore the file name does not really match its purpose2):
- /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dns-resolved.conf
dns=default rc-manager=resolvconf systemd-resolved=false
Disabling systemd-resolved in systemd and in NetworkManager propably doesn't make much of a difference after your told NetworkManager not to route DNS queries to it but for saving system resources.
man NetworkManager.conf