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setting the title of my xterm
#!/bin/sh if [ "$#" = 0 ] then title="$HOSTNAME: "`pwd` else title="$*" fi echo -en "\033]0;$title\007" exit $?
see also xtermcontrol
Disabling Edge Tiling in Metacity (Windowmanager)
~ $ gsettings set org.gnome.metacity edge-tiling false ~ $ ps -ef |fgrep metacity user 4443 4431 1 Jan05 ? 00:42:00 metacity --sm-client-id 2ffd4990f-c0bb-4a4e-9d1c-233170dd59c2 user 29483 6578 0 14:17 pts/14 00:00:00 grep -F metacity ~ $ metacity --sm-client-id 2ffd4990f-c0bb-4a4e-9d1c-233170dd59c2 --replace
docs/tips_n_tricks/x11.html.txt · Last modified: 08.01.2020 14:23 CET by peter