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Open disk image files read-write


Thunar seems to open disk images read-only by default. This makes sense for ISO-images and probably a bunch of other use cases, but not for image files created to be used with LUKS for additional security1)

The workaround is to configure a custom action in Thunar containing the command

udisksctl loop-setup -f %f


man udisksctl

Use ssh-agent to mount sftp targets


dbus-update-activation-environment SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK
systemctl --user stop gvfs-daemon
gio mount s

This doesn't look like a Thunar topic, but it seems to affect Thunar as well, so I put it here


Build Thunar deb package with default password save set to "never"

This was done with success with thunar-1.8.14 on Linux Mint 20 Ulyana

apt-get source thunar
cd thunar-*.*.*
export DEBEMAIL="${DEBEMAIL:-<your e-mail address here>}"
export DEBFULLNAME="${DEBFULLNAME:-<your name here>}"
cat >> debian/patches/02_set_default_password_save_never.patch <<EOF
--- a/thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.c    2024-08-31 14:49:58.042852434 +0200
+++ b/thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.c    2024-08-31 14:47:57.468107395 +0200
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
   screen = thunar_util_parse_parent (parent, &window);
   operation = gtk_mount_operation_new (window);
-  g_mount_operation_set_password_save (G_MOUNT_OPERATION (operation), G_PASSWORD_SAVE_FOR_SESSION);
+  g_mount_operation_set_password_save (G_MOUNT_OPERATION (operation), G_PASSWORD_SAVE_NEVER);
   if (window == NULL && screen != NULL)
     gtk_mount_operation_set_screen (GTK_MOUNT_OPERATION (operation), screen);
echo 02_set_default_password_save_never.patch >> debian/patches/series
# <codename> is your Debian (derivate) release codename as "bookworm" or "ulyana".
# You might want to replace "local" by something specific to you or your organisation
dch -l .local~<codename> -D <codename> # Enter line "* Set G_PASSWORD_SAVE_NEVER for default password save option"
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot --no-sign
# # If it fails due to missing dependencies, install them by
# sudo apt install --no-install-recommends <packages>
# # and redo
# dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot --no-sign
sudo apt install ../thunar-data_*_all.deb ../thunar_*_amd64.deb
# # If you want to clean up your system, you might want to remove packages installed just for compiling:
# sudo apt purge <packages>
In my case, the image file is on a encrypted home partition, but still encrypted (second) as it contains keys etc. I don't want to expose to the system all the time while my home partion is mounted.
docs/tips_n_tricks/thunar.html.txt · Last modified: 31.08.2024 15:39 CEST by peter

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