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Installing Bacula 5.0.x on Ubuntu Server 9.10

FIXME this is work in progress! Don't use it yet! FIXME

As Ubuntu is shipping with Bacula 2.4 and there is no more recent version available in the backports repository, using bacula 5.0.x on Ubuntu 9.10 means compilint it from scracht - this is meant to be a short copy-n-paste instruction on how to do this.

FIXME this is work in progress! Don't use it yet! FIXME

Preparing MySQL

aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client
# choose secure password

edit ~/.my.cnf to contain the following lines:

password="<enter your literal password here>"

Preparing the System

create a system (-r) account:

useradd -r -m -c "Bacula System Account" -s /bin/noshell bacula
addgroup bacula tape

(using /bin/noshell is a security measure. If you ever have to become bacula, use the command
su - bacula -s /bin/bash)

As we are going to compile bacula with TCP Wrapper support, make sure it can be accessed locally by adding the following linew to /etc/hosts.allow:

ALL: <ip number of system>

Install the tool(s):

aptitude install mtx

Installing bacula

Install packages (needed on a fresh installed server)

aptitude install gcc g++ libqt4-dev libreadline-dev libmysqlclient-dev \
         libwrap0-dev python-dev

Download files:

mkdir download
cd download
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
cd ..

Compile things:

mkdir src
cd src
tar -xvkpzf ../download/bacula-5.0.1.tar.gz
cd bacula-5.0.1 

./configure --prefix=/opt/bacula-5.0.1 \
  --sbindir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/bin \
  --sysconfdir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/etc  \
  --mandir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/man \
  --docdir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/html \
  --htmldir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/html \
  --with-working-dir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/working \
  --with-pid-dir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/working \
  --with-subsys-dir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/working \
  --with-scriptdir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/scripts \
  --with-plugindir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/plugins \
  --libdir=/opt/bacula-5.0.1/lib \
  --enable-smartalloc \
  --enable-tray-monitor \
  --enable-bat \
  --with-mysql \
  --with-smtp-host=localhost \
  --with-baseport=9101 \
  --with-tcp-wrappers \
  --with-python \
  --enable-lockmgr \
  --disable-conio \


Du as root:

mkdir /opt/bacula-5.0.1
cd /opt
ln -s bacula-5.0.1 bacula

cd <wherever you compiled it>/src/bacula-5.0.1
make install

Continue as user (using ~/.my.cnf as described above)

Setup MySQL for bacula:

cd <wherever you compiled it>/src/cat
mysql -u bacula -p ''

Hit Enter at the password prompt (initial password is empty, which is not the same as no password. Enter at the SQL prompt:

set password = password('<enter new literal bacula mysql password here') ;

remove MySQL history as it contains the unencrypted password:

rm -v ~/.mysql_history

continue with setting up MySQL for bacula:

docs/tips_n_tricks/installing_bacula.html.1268862723.txt.gz · Last modified: 17.03.2010 22:52 CET by peter

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